If you’re planning to undertake construction work on a shared boundary in Peterborough with your neighbour, you might need a party wall agreement.
It’s a legal document that outlines the responsibilities and rights of both parties involved in the construction process.
The first step is to serve a party wall notice at least 8 weeks before the planned start of the construction work. The notice should provide details of the proposed work, including drawings, and a request for a party wall agreement.
If your neighbor(s) consent to the proposed work, you can proceed without the need for a party wall agreement. However, if they do not consent, a party wall surveyor will need to be appointed to prepare a party wall award.
A party wall surveyor is an independent professional who is appointed to prepare a party wall award. The surveyor’s role is to:
Inspect the affected properties to determine the condition before the construction work begins.
Prepare a schedule of condition report.
Prepare a party wall award that sets out the rights and responsibilities of each party, and the procedures to be followed during and after the construction work.
Resolve any disputes that may arise during the construction work.
Party wall agreements
Local party wall surveyor
Party wall notice
Party wall disputes
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