You may need a party wall agreement if you’re planning to carry out any of the following work:
Building a new wall on the boundary between two properties
Cutting into an existing party wall
Carrying out work on a party wall
Digging within three or six meters of an adjoining property, depending on the depth of the excavation
It’s worth noting that even if you don’t need a party wall agreement, it’s always good practice to inform your neighbors of any planned work, and to address any concerns they may have.
Advantages of Having a Party Wall Agreement
There are many advantages to having a party wall agreement in place, including:
It provides clarity on the work that’s being carried out, and who is responsible for it.
It helps to prevent disputes between neighbors, as everything is clearly defined in the agreement.
It ensures that any potential damage is identified and dealt with promptly.
It can prevent costly legal action, as everything is agreed upon in advance.
How to Obtain a Party Wall Agreement
If you’re planning to carry out any work that requires a party wall agreement, you should start by speaking to your neighbors. Ideally, you should provide them with written notice of the proposed work, including details of the party wall and any other relevant information. You should also provide them with a copy of the party wall act, which outlines their rights and obligations.
Once you’ve provided your neighbors with written notice, you can then appoint a party wall surveyor to prepare a party wall agreement. The surveyor will visit your property and carry out a thorough inspection, before preparing a detailed report that outlines the work to be carried out, and any potential risks or issues.
If you’re planning to undertake any construction work on your property, it’s important to consider whether you need a party wall agreement. This legal document is designed to protect the interests of both parties and ensure that any work is carried out safely and with minimum inconvenience. If you’re unsure whether you need a party wall agreement, or if you need advice on how to obtain one, contact Faulkners Surveyors in Burntwood today. We can provide you with expert guidance and advice, and help you navigate the process smoothly.